Stock and Buttsbury Heritage Society 2009
Next Meetings Held at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall
14th January, Wed A.G.M.
11th February, Wed Stock Lodge and its Estate - Alan Le Boutillier
11th March, Wed Local Canals - Charles Phillips
8th April, Wed Essex Record Office - Jenny Butler
28th May, Thurs Galleywood Racecourse - Ted Hawkins
17th June, Wed The Censuses - Keith Johnson & Alan Le Boutillier
23rd July, Thurs Blue Plaques - Keith Lovell
August Outing T.B.A Ingatestone Hall
10th September, Wed Unknown Essex - John Bishop (change of date)
8th October, Thurs "Railways Come to Essex" by Adrian Wright
18th November, Wed Family History Forum
This recently formed Society meets once a month in Stock Village Hall. The subject alternates between local history and family history, though inevitably these frequently overlap.
Our aim is to promote interest in the local history of Stock and Buttsbury Parishes; to provide facilities for recording and storing information and artefacts for present and future residents; and to provide a forum for assisting members in tracing their family history.
We have an annual subscription of £10 and now have 60 paid-up members. We charge £1 for members and £3 for visitors when attending a meeting. This includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
Visitors and new members are welcome.
Between Jenny and John Westwood, most of the local War Memorials are being researched If you have anything to help with this, please email Jenny
. War Memorials
Chairman Jenny Berkley
Secretary Angela Bill
Treasurer Alan Le Boutillier
Brian Berkley Janice Hughes
Keith Johnson Charles Phillips
Adrian Rilstone Julia Seaman
Judy Williams  
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